What We Do

From the start of our work together, we will meet with you and other relevant members of your loved one’s recovery process several times per week, thoroughly addressing all of the following areas to varying degrees dependent upon your needs:

  1. Assessment

    We take our time evaluating everything from the details to the bigger picture in order to ensure that our understanding is comprehensive. We will collect information and perspective from as many personal and professional sources as are available. This is a proficient process that will not only be done immediately but will also continue throughout our professional relationship with you.

  2. Planning

    You may already have a semblance of a plan in place for your loved one’s recovery and the role you play in it. We will recommend strategic changes for improvement if this is the case.  You may not have begun the planning phase at all, in which case we will guide you in doing so.  In any case, we will present you with a refined plan of action and walk you through alternatives if indicated.

  3. Collaboration

    Your plan will undoubtedly involve anywhere from a minimum of two to upwards of 10 participants, depending upon circumstances. Studies show that the more touch points someone has in early recovery the more likely they are to attain 18 months of continuous remission. We will suggest additions to the support system if needed, and we will communicate regularly with as many key members as are available. We need the most current and complete information in order to be continuously assessing and ensuring that we provide the best quality guidance.

  4. Connection

    We speak with you at a minimum once weekly and give you a synopsis of what we have learned through our collaboration and what impact that should have on immediate decisions. We give you direction and support you in executing this direction. You may want to spend more time processing and understanding, which we will gladly provide, or you may appreciate the bottom line, which we also respect. Of often critical importance, we will help you find the wording, energy, and confidence to communicate effectively with your loved one along this exceptionally stressful journey.

  5. Forward Thinking

    We constantly reassess all important aspects of your loved one’s recovery and your role in their process. Even when change is positive, it can cause a ripple effect that can be disruptive in ways that are sometimes unexpected. We support you in realistically gauging and adjusting to progress so that growth is not inadvertently undermined.

That’s it. It’s that simple. One of the most important aspects of our practice that sets us apart from others is that we don’t do anything else. We don’t also place people in treatment, provide direct care, affiliate ourselves with any organizations or providers, or promote a specific approach to recovery. We do what is outlined above, we do it well, and we don’t do anything that would compromise our singular focus on what makes the most sense for you and your loved one.